The Quest 32" Charbroiler is built with a three-sided insulated splash guard that offers maximum heat retention, contains splattering and focuses excess heat and smoke upwards into a ventilator. It's made of stainless steel and features stainless steel radiants for a charbroiled flavour and appearance without charcoal.
This commercial charbroiler features an easy tilt grid that minimizes flare-ups and increases cooking flexibility while the grid is designed with round rods. It's hotter than competitive broilers and dismantles easily for effortless cleaning. Additionally, the temperature knobs are simple to use.
Measurements: 8.5" high x 32" width x 31 depth
Gas Type: Natural Gas
Gas Output: 90,000 BTU
Gas Inlet: 3/4"
Material: Stainless Steel
Made in Canada
Spec Sheet
Instruction Booklet